A little more about how we can help…

OT-Vation provides a comprehensive and bespoke Occupational Therapy and wellbeing service to the Cheshire area.

Kitchen Assessments

So much more than just making a cup of tea, a kitchen assessment evaluates a host of skills, including your ability to initiate, sequence and plan how to safely complete a task in your own home.

The purpose of this assessment is to establish the safest method of completing a task, while maximising your independence. It measures both cognitive and physical ability and appraises gross and fine motor skills, visual perception and processing skills.

Daily practice of the new skills learned following an Occupational Therapy assessment will boost your confidence to prepare a drink or your favourite meal.

Kitchen assessments can support individuals who have experienced a stroke, brain injury, joint replacements, reduced vision, reduced memory, poor balance or reduced exercise tolerance, as well as those who have lost confidence in the kitchen following a fall or other trauma. This list is by no means exhaustive and OTs can support you with a whole range of other conditions to achieve your goal of becoming independent.

Contact OT-Vation to book your assessment and start your journey.

Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive assessments identify changes in cognitive function. These changes may impede an individual’s ability to make decisions or safely access the community, drive a car, use complex equipment or manage medication. Cognitive assessments look at the capacity to plan, recall and execute a task, using this data to highlight any deficits or concerns, to recommend ways to make the environment safer or to refer onwards to a memory clinic.

Please contact OT-Vation if you have any queries regarding this. We are always happy to help.

Assisting with access back into your local community

At OT-Vation, we understand the need to get out and enjoy your local community. We provide a bespoke service which will boost your confidence accessing public transport, libraries, shops and local activities.

OTs can build exercise tolerance and improve balance, teach car transfers, provide outdoor mobility equipment and install ramps and grab rails. If required, therapists can accompany individuals as part of the assessment.

Whatever you aim to achieve outdoors, it is our goal to get you there.

Please feel free to contact OT-Vation for a friendly chat about your needs.

Bathing Assessments

OT-Vation understands the importance of bathing and showering and the strong link to health and wellbeing. A full bathing assessment and practice will help you to access your bath/shower as well as recommending minor adaptations, such as grab rails, shower stools, bath boards, bath lifts etc.

OTs will look at your ability to complete washing and dressing, focusing on initiating, sequencing, exercise tolerance, balance and fatigue management.

Please feel free to contact OT-Vation to further discuss your needs.

Mobility Assessments

A reduction in mobility may be due to age, deconditioning, reduced balance or loss of confidence following a fall.

OT-Vation’s mobility services include transfer assessments; stair assessments; the provision of mobility aids, including walking sticks and wheeled zimmer frames, and indoor/ outdoor rails; and raising furniture to support independent transfers on/off sofas, chairs and beds.

Please note that the above service is not all inclusive and we would be happy to discuss any other needs you may have.


OT-Vation promotes mindfulness and wellbeing and will support you with the tasks you find meaningful and relaxing. This includes outdoor activities such as leisurely walks, gardening and accessing your local community. Indoors, we will support you with managing kitchen tasks, such as baking and cooking, music appreciation, and more.

Do feel free to contact us to discuss your goals.

Contact us.

We look forward to chatting to you.

